Thursday, August 21, 2008

12 pounds lighter (Day 22)

It seems like it took forever to lose 2 more pounds ... 10 loooong days. I was beginning to get discouraged. And yet, when I began this, I said that it was not going to be about the weight loss. It was going to be an exercise in discipline, a result of which would be weight loss and regained health, but the focus was to be on the spiritual; of bringing my eating habits in line with scripture; of passionately pursuing God and His will for me.

I have strayed. I have spent too much time on the scale and not enough time in scripture. I confessed to a friend today that I had neglected my morning devotion for the past few days. I don't know why, but when I miss it in the morning I just seem to miss it all day. There's no reason why I can't have a quiet time with God in the afternoon or early evening, I just don't take the time. I haven't disciplined myself to do so. I obviously haven't disciplined myself for the morning either. And it's not that I haven't talked to Him for days ... I talk to Him the moment I arise and spend time talking to Him throughout the day and before I fall asleep. It's those intentional, quiet, fully conscious times, however, that are so very important for listening ... for slowing down and hearing His voice.

So, after my confession, my friend urged me to go home and spend some time with God and that's just what I did. And you know what? He was there ... waiting ... no recriminations ... no judgment ... just love and acceptance, as there always is, so why do I stray? There is no place in the world that I would rather be than in His presence ... when I'm there. There is no voice sweeter to hear than His Holy Spirit whispering to my soul. There is no food more satisfying than chewing on the "meat" of Scripture. So why don't I do it more?! Today in the Gospel of John I read the words of Jesus: "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:34) Wow! I wanna be like Jesus!

After that I exercised (third day in a row again!) and did the full mile like yesterday. I hope to work up to 2 miles in a couple weeks. I am taking it real slow, not wanting to overdo and do any damage. By the way ... pain meter on a scale of 1-10 today is about a 2 ... that's good ... that's real good. There have been some minor objections from certain parts of my body, but nothing's screaming ... yeah!

Ok ... so, here's my food log: Breakfast -- Banana Oat Muffins; Lunch -- Dilly Potato Salad (pictured); Afternoon snack -- rice cakes; Dinner -- Sweet potato and green beans. It's 8:30 Pm and I just finished dinner about an hour ago, so I don't think I'll be having anything else tonight. As it is I've only had 956 calories today with 7% of the calories coming from fat. That probably really is not enough calories, but I'm not going to stuff myself just to satisfy some numbers. I figure it will just, hopefully, make up for my over indulgence on Monday.

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