Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our God is an Awesome God! (Day 4)

Another great day! Fell asleep lastnight singing love songs to God. When I got up this morning, He was the first thing on my mind. His word was upon my lips and the inspiration for a poem was already coming over me. Spent some time in prayer and devotion and was further inspired to begin another poem, still in the works as of yet. Had a yummy breakfast, as you can see by the picture. This was yesterday's muffins, which I heated and drizzled some fat free un-butter spread and pure maple syrup on. That's only 1 tsp. of maple syrup folks. A mere 16 calories. A little of the real thing goes a loooooong way. Total calories approximately 212. That, along with a fruit cup with yogurt dressing brings breakfast to less than 300 calories.

Then I got ready and went to church and got my socks blessed off! JC was in the house! An inspired, anointed message, worshipful music and great fellowship. Spent the rest of the day with my dear husband. We did hor deouvres at the Costco food carts, pretty much our regular Sunday outing, then went out to Best Buy so he could visit the new camcorder he's been drooling over for the past couple months. Then back home for some computer time trying to perfect my morning inspiration. That was followed by a wonderful dinner at Chevy's with my beautiful daughter and son-in-law, then out to the movies with hubby and now back home. Almost a perfect day except for the little tiff we had at the movies. OK ... yeah ... I was pretty much being a brat. We did, however, make up before we came home ... but you don't need the details of that.

Anyway ... I went back and forth trying to decide what I would order at dinner that would be in keeping with healthy eating. I usually order the Super Cinco ... five, count 'em, five items with rice and beans for $12.69! What a deal. Of course, I always have leftovers. That's one of the things I like most. I didn't want any leftovers this time, though ... nothing carried over to tomorrow to tempt me to then carry over to the next day and then, well, you get the picture. I abstained entirely from the deep fried homemade tortilla chips and salsa, quite a feat for me, and chose the Portobello and Asparagus Burrito. And you know what? I had to bring it home. After eating the rice and beans it came with, which was after I ate my 1/4 portion of the appetizer we ordered, I was full. Total calories: who knows ... who cares ... it was a special night out with family. And that, my friends, is priceless.
Today I Started Exercising
(Feel the Burn)

Today I started exercising,
And, I'll tell you, it feels great.
First, I exercised will power
As I pushed away my plate.

Then, I exercised my eyes
As I watched the morning news.
Next, I exercised patience
When the dog chewed up my shoes.

I exercised freedom of speech
When, in haste, I stubbed my toe.
Yeah, my lungs got quite a work out
After that ill-fated blow.

I stretched my creativity
Working out these humble rhymes,
Yeah, I really felt the burn
Searching online.

I exercised my neck and shoulders
When, in prayer, I bowed my head
And spent some time talking to God,
Before I napped, upon my bed.

This gave my brain a real work out:
A crossword and some Scrabble.
A triple word score victory
Was mine for "psychobabble."

I'm sure all my neurotransmitters
Were on overdrive.
I sensed synapses strengthening;
Who needs aerobicize?!

This exercising isn't bad,
Yes, this fact I can avow.
Why, I'm exercising muscles
In my arms and fingers now.

I've been training all day long,
My energy is zapped.
I think I'll exercise some zzzzz's
Right now and take another nap.

Copyright © 2008 by Jennifer Welsh
August 3, 2008


Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I have struggled with my weight all my life too. I gained about 50 lbs in the last few years with poor diet and no exercise. I have started working out again and be more careful with what I eat too. Love your recipes and will try a few soon. My age seems to have stopped my metabolism and am having a tough time revving it up again so my few pounds that I have lost has taken me a couple months so is very discouraging. I use the WII Fit and find it lots of fun and does not do me in with my knees. I look forward to your next entry. God bless you, Starr

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo! Way to go...Great blog and great progress at the buffet. We did not have a buffet in Blackfoot until a year or so ago. No buffet in Pinedale Wyoming too! I'm sitting here with my two grand-daughters, we've spent a week together and were all ready to go home. The 36' trailer we're in is my home now. Bad news, due to cost of fuel and budget, we will not be able to make it to CA this year. I just realized this is not an email but a comment for your blog, so please feel free to delete. All our love...Vaughn and Deb.